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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Buenos Dias Tejas!

Buenos Dias mi familia y amigos!  Well life has changed for us quite a bit!  We are now living in sunny El Paso with my Grandma and Papa Serrano! I am learning so much these days.  I can eat pretty well with a fork and spoon.  My favorite foods right now are pasta and tomato sauce, bananas, and other dried fruits.  Mommy and Daddy have decided to go vegan so they are always trying to get me to eat their veggies...YUCK!  Mommy and Daddy are also teaching me to go potty on the toilet.  It's been about a week and I'm doing great!  Now I'm only wearing a diaper during nap time and at night.  I'm learning new words every day.  Mommy has been teaching me about how God made everything on Earth, as well as some colors and shapes.  If you didn't already know, I can do sign language, so I'm learning all the signs for the different words I'm learning.  I'm so smart!

My brother is getting bigger every day. Can you believe he is already 3 months old?? He finally started sleeping through the night (thank goodness!)  Lately he has started "talking," but I have no idea what he is saying.  He likes to smile and laugh a lot too.  Mommy says Elijah gets bigger every day.  He can hold his head up for a pretty long time and get he is getting so strong!  I love to comfort him when he gets upset. I'm pretty sure we are gonna be best friends!

Enjoy the pictures! Sebby

Elijah and Zeke

Sleepy Smile

Aunt Cindy bought me a pool!


Silly faces - it was cold here for a couple days so Aunt Cindy and Grandma bought me some clothes to stay warm

Happy on my belly!

Mommy stuck a pool noodle down my shirt
I'm a boy alright!
